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Dark purple | is produced by | Carmine and Prussian blue |
Green | is produced by„ | Prussian blue and yellow. |
Olive green | is produced by„ | Prussian blue and chrome yellow, No. 2. |
Dark black green | is produced by„ | Prussian blue, orange, and a little carmine. |
Brown | is produced by„ | Carmine and green. |
Pale blue | is produced by„ | Ultramarine and white. |
Lemon color | is produced by„ | Pale yellow and white. |
Buff | is produced by„ | Orange and white. |
Salmon color | is produced by„ | Orange, white, and a little carmine. |
Pale violet | is produced by„ | Mauve and white. |
Bright blue | is produced by„ | Ultramarine |
Scarlet | is produced by„ | Vermilion and carmine. |
Very beautiful purple | is produced by„ | Violet carmine. |
Bright lake red | is produced by„ | Solferino or magenta. |
Bluish green | is produced by„ | Yellow, white, and prussian blue. |
Transparent white | is produced by„ | Arrow root finely ground with white color. This must be used dry. |
Yellowish white | is produced by„ | White color and a small portion of the palest yellow. |
White added to any these colors lightens the tint. Arrow-root can be colors, but care must be taken not to make the color wet.