Page:The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14.djvu/10

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What shall we have for Dinner? E. E. Baie ' 864 What will become of Them? J, T. Trowbridge 170, 820 Wife'B Story, The Author (;/*' Life in ik9 Iron-MUU" 1 s • POBTST. Before Yicksborg O. E.Boker 871 Bridge of Cloud, The E, FT. LongftOoio 288 Bryant, To William CuUen H.T, Tuekerman 568 Bryant's Seventieth Birthday 0. W. BobMs 788 Concord B. W, LongfeUom 169 Divina Commedia, On Translating the B, W,LongfeUow 688 Forgotten EUzabethA, C.jUken. ,,,,,„,. 883 Friar Jerome's Beanttfol Book T. B. AUrich 195 Heart of the War, The /. 0, Eottand 240 In Memory of J. W. — R. W 0. W. BdbMt 115 Last BaUy, The J. T. TttfoMdge 589 Maskers, The J. 7*. Trowbridge 808 Palingenesis B. W. LongflUow 19 Betnm of tiie Birds, The. . . ; IT. C. Bryant 37 Biches 530 Bide to Camp, The G. BBoker 404 Senrice X T, Trowbridge 448 Snmmer, The Fntore 508 Sweet-Brier 229 Tobacconalian Ode, A : 672 YanisheiB, The J, 0. WhitOer 726 Watching 74 Works and Days T, W. Panom 491 BSVIBWS AND LlTBBABT KonOBS. Arnold on Translating -Homer 186 Amold'a Last Words 136 Browning's Dramatis Persons v 644 Carter's Summer Cruise 515 Dufour's Strategy and Tactics 259 Famham's Eliza Woodson 388 Woman and her Era 388 Qreeley's American Conflict. .:..'.; 183 Quizot's Meditations on Christianity 784 Haupt on Military Bridges 781 Hazard on Freedom of Mind in Willing 778 Jennie Juneiana. 387 Kingsley's Reman and Teaton 252 Marsh's Man and Nature 261 Mill's Dissertations and Discussions ^ 776 Newman's Translation of the Iliad 135 Owen's Wrong of Slavery 517 Parton's Life and Times of Franklin 388 Prescott's Azarian , 515 Privations and Sufferings of U. S. Soldiers in Rebel Prisons 777 Beid's Cliff-Climbers 390 Tennyson's Enoch Arden 518 Thorenu's Maine Woods 386 TroUope's Small House at Allington 254 Webster's American Dictionanr 642 Wilson's History of the Anti-Slavery Measures of Congress 787 Toumans's Class-Book of Chemistry 256 Bbcsbt AmtBiOAw Publioatioxs 136, 263, 391, 648, 788 Digitized by
