Page:The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14.djvu/9

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CONTENTS. Beer-Drrinking, Head-Quarters of. Andrew Ten Broeck 185 Biography, The New School of Gail Hamilton 579 Cadmean Madness, The W. L. Symonds 266 Colombia River, On the Fitz-Hugh Ludlow 703 Communication D. A, Wasson 424 Collet Jane G. Austin 304 Currency George S. Lang 109

Democracy and the Secession War C C Hazewell 60i Dixie, Our Last Day in Edmund Kirke 715 Dolliver Romance, A Scene from the Nathienl Hawthorne 101

Electric Girl of La Perriftre, The Robert Dale Owen 284 England and America Prof, Goldwin Smith 749

English Authors in Florence Miss K. Field 660

Foreign Relations, Our Recent G.M. Tvole 943

Glorying in the Goad Gail Hamilton 21 Gourgues, Dominic de, The Vengeance of F, Parkman 530

Halcyon Days Caroline Cheesbro 675 Hawthorne O. W. Holmes 9?. Highland Light, The H, D. Thoreau 649 Hoose and Home Papers Harriet Beecher Stowe 93, 230, 434, 565, 689 How Rome is Governed Prof. G. W. Greene 150 Ice and Esquimanx D. A. Wasson 726 Ice-Period in America Prof. Louis Agassie 86 Imnimate Things, The Total Depravity of Mrs. E, A, Walker 357 Jones, Paul, and Denis Duval F. Ingham 493 Leaves, Charles, Uncollected Writings J, R Babson 478, 552 Leaves from an Officers Journal T, W. Higginson 521, 740 Lina 538 Little Country-Girl, The Mrs. A. M, Diaz 212 Luigi, The Tree Story of Harriet E. Prescott 411 Mexico G. Revnolds 61 Meyerbeer Francies Willams 116 Might in the Water, A T. W. Higginson 393 Oregon, On Honeback Ftiz-Hugh Ludlow 76 Paris, Literary Life "Spiridon" 200,292 Presidential Election, The Twentieth C. C. Hallwell 633 Reade, Charles Harriet E, Presscott 137 Recamier, Madame Miss J. M, Luyster 446 Regular and Volunteer Officers T. W. Higginson 348 Revolution, Finances of the Prof. G. W, Greene 591 Richmond, Oar Visit to Edmund Kirke 372 Rim, The Harriet E, Prescott 63 Saadi R. W.Emerson 33 San Francisco, Through-Tickets to Fitz-Hugh Ludlow 604 Sculpture, The Process of. Harriet Hosmer 734 Sea-Hours with a Dyspeptic Joseph D. Howard 617 Veendue. On a Late J. E. Babson 400 Virginia, The May Campaign in "Carleton" 124 We are a Nation J. T. Trowbridge 769 Wallfleet Oysterman, The H D. Thoreau 470 Wet-Weather Work Donald G. Mitchell 39,333