Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/209

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For thee a daughter, for myself a faithful wife, 70
In the fair city of Dubrovnik,
Whereof Michael is king.
I have won the King's daughter, the damsel Jerina.
And in wooing the damsel Jerina,
I have spent three charges of gold.
In gifts also for her mother and sister,
I have spent a thousand ducats;
And when I spake of the wedding-day.
Then said the King to me—
That when I went about to gather the wedding-guests, 80
I should ask no Serbs as wedding-guests.
'Overmuch,' quoth he, 'do the Serbs love drinking,
And of brawling also are they overfond.
They will get drunken, they will raise strife and tumult,
Thou wilt not avail to stay the strife,
How thinkest thou then to lead forth my daughter?
Therefore do thou summon Greeks and Bulgars,
Gather of them as many as ye will.
And come for the damsel when it pleaseth thee.'—
I departed thence, mother, 90
And on the road a letter reached me
From Jerina, my bride, saying—
'Hearken to me, Djuro of Smederevo,
When thou art come to white Smederevo,
And goest about to gather thy wedding-guests,
Heed not the words of my father,
Summon neither Greeks nor yet Bulgars,
Or never wilt thou go forth alive
Out of our city of Dubrovnik,
Nor never mayst thou lead home thy bride!100
But do thou ask Serbs to be thy wedding-guests:
As kum take Novak Debelić,
As prikumak, Gruja Novaković,
As stari svat, Janko of Sibinj,
As dever, Marko Kraljević,
As čauš, the wingéd Relja,