Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/210

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As vojvoda, Miloš Obilić,
As barjaktar, Milan Toplica,
As privenac, Ivan Kosančić,
As for the others, ask whom ye will, 110
Gather together, Djuro, a thousand guests,
And come hither as soon as it liketh thee.'—
Counsel me now, mother,
Whether should I obey the King, my father-in-law,
Or the maid, Jerina, his lovely daughter?"
His mother answered him, saying:
"Dear son, Djuro of Smederevo,
The Latins were ever deceivers,
And fain, my son, would they deceive thee.
Hearken not to the King thy father-in-law,120
But obey the word of thy bride Jerina.
Do thou ask Serbs to be thy wedding-guests,
And if haply thou art in straits,
They will be with thee in thy need."
When Djuro of Smederevo heard it,
He sate him down and on his knee he wrote letters,
And sent them forth everywhither.
Then he rested him certain days,
And behold there came Starina Novak,
And his son Grujica with him; 130
Thereafter but a little time,
Behold Janko of Sibinj,
With an hundred wedding-guests with him;
And Janko entered into the white manor;
Then across the fields appeared Marko,
And after Marko, Relja of Pazar,
And after Relja, Miloš the vojvoda.
After Miloš, Milan Toplica,
And after Milan, Ivan Kosančić.
So the Serb knights assembled together,140
With a thousand well-beseen guests with them.
Fair welcome indeed they had of Djuro,
And he spake them words of counsel, saying: