Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/235

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Alberto Fortis. Saggio d'Osservazioni sopra l'isola di Cherso ed Osero. (Venice, 1771.)
—— Viaggio in Dalmazia. 2 vols. (Venice, 1774.)
—— Travels into Dalmatia. (London, 1778.)
—— Die Sitten der Morlacken. (Bern, 1775.)
—— Abbate Alberto Fortis Reise in Dalmatien. (Bern, 1776.)
—— Voyage en Dalmatie. (Berne, 1788.)
Andrija Kačić Miošić. Razgovor ugodni naroda slovinskoga. (First known edition published at Venice, 1756.)
J. F. Herder. Ein Gesang von Milos Cobilich und Vuko Brankovich. Morlakisch. ("Volkslieder," Erster Teil. Leipzig, 1778.)
—— Radoslaus. Eine Morlakische Geschichte.
—— Die schöne Dolmetscherin. Eine Morlakische Geschichte. ("Volkslieder," Zweiter Teil. Leipzig, 1779.)

These three translations of Herder's are to be found in vol. xxv of the "Sämtliche Werke."

J. W. v. Goethe. Klaggesang von der edlen Frauen des Asan Aga…Aus dem Morlackischen. (First published in Herder's "Volkslieder" in 1778.) Vol. i. pp. 151-153 of the Cotta edition.
—— Über Kunst und Alterthum, vols. v and vi, 1825, 1827. (Here are essays and reviews dealing with the Serbian folk-song. All are to be found in vol. xxix of Hempel's edition.)
Vuk Stefanović Karadžić. Mala prostonarodnja slavenoserbska pjesnarića. Izdana Vukom Stefanovićem. (Vienna Narodna srbska pjesnarica. Cast utora. Vienna, 1815.)
—— Narodne srpske pjesme. Skupio i na svijet izdao Vuk Stef. Karadžić. Knjiga prva, u kojoj su različne ženske pjesme. (Leipzig: Breitkopf u. Härtel, 1825.)
—— Narodne srpske pjesme, vol. ii (Leipzig, 1823); vol. iii (Leipzig, 1823); vol. iv (Vienna, 1823).

A new and very greatly enlarged edition was published in Vienna between the years 1841-1862. This was followed by the Belgrade edition which was begun in 1887 and completed in 1896. Vol. ii, containing the Marko cycle and many other epic ballads, has been reprinted several times.

—— Grammar of the Serbian tongue. (Pismenica serbskoga jezika. Vienna, 1814.)

Jacob Grimm wrote a German translation of this Grammar. (Leipzig and Berlin, 1824.) He contributed also an admirable "Vorrede" which is reprinted in the "Kleinere Schriften," vol. viii. pp. 96-129.