Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/236

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Vuk Stefanovic Karadžić. Srpski Rječnik—Lexicon serbico-germanico-latinum. (Vienna, 1818.) My own copy is the Belgrade edition, 1898. It is a treasure-house of information and an indispensable aid to the student.
—— Srpske Narodne Pripovijetke. (Belgrade, 1897.)
—— Život i običaji naroda srpskoga. (Wien, 1867.)
Jacob Grimm. Translations of nineteen Serbian songs in Förster's "Sängerfahrt." (Berlin, 1818.) Reprinted in the "Kleinere Schriften," iv. pp. 455-467.
—— Translation of the epic poem "Erbschaftsteilung" in "Kunst und Alterthum," iv. (1824). Reprinted in "Kleinere Schriften," i. p. 410.
—— Die Aufbauung Scutaris. Grimm made two translations of this poem, the first unmetrical, the second metrical. "Kleinere Schriften," vii. pp. 544-555. Particularly useful is the "Vorrede" to Grimm's German version of Vuk's "Grammar" (1824). Reprinted in "Kleinere Schriften," viii. pp. 96-129.
Talvj (Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob. Afterwards Mrs Robinson). Volkslieder der Serben. 2 vols. (Halle, 1825 and 1826.) 2nd edition unchanged. (Halle and Leipzig, 1835.) New edition revised and enlarged. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1853.)
—— Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations: with a sketch of their popular poetry, by Talvj. With a preface by Edward Robinson, D.D., LL.D., author of "Biblical Researches in Palestine," etc. (New York: George P. Putnam, 1850.)
E. Eugen Wesely. Serbische Hochzeitslieder. (Pest, 1826.)
Westminster Review, vol. vi. 1826. Narodne Srpske Pjesme, 1823-4. Popular Servian Songs, collected and published by Vuk Stephanovich Karatzich. (Leipzig, 3 vols. 8vo.)
John Bowring. Servian Popular Poetry. (London, 1827.)
Wilhelm Gerhard. Wila: Serbische Volkslieder und Heldenmärchen. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1828.) A second edition of this work was published at Leipzig in 1877, under the title of "Wilhelm Gerhards Gesänge der Serben."
Johann Nepomuk Vogl. Marko Kraljevits—Serbische Heldensage. (Vienna, 1851.)
Siegfried Kapper. Südslavische Wanderungen. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1851.) The 1st vol. contains a sketch of our hero—"Marko, der Königssohn. Eine Gestalt aus den serbischen Heldengesängen."
—— Die Gesänge der Serben. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1852.)
Ludwig August Frankl. Gusle, Serbische Nationallieder. (Vienna, 1852.)
Leopold v. Ranke. History of Servia, pp. 47-56. A brief statement of the significance of the national poetry. Marko receives special attention. (English edition, Bohn, 1853.)