Page:The Ballads of Marko Kraljević.djvu/80

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But Marko looked not at the servants,
But rode his ways past them;
He rode his horse to the gate,
And at the gate he lighted down.
The Vojvoda Miloš came forth,
And met Marko his pobratim;100
They spread out their arms and kissed each the other,
And Milo§ would fain have led him to the čardak,
But Marko refused and would not to the čardak.
"Nay, brother," quoth he, "I will not to the čardak,
I have no time for feasting;
But whether hast thou heard,
Concerning Prizren the white city,
And the household of Kapetan Leka?
For thereof they say great marvel.
Wondrous marvel they say of the maid Rosanda; 110
In the four quarters of the earth
In all the lands of Turk and Giaour,
There be none like unto her in the whole world.
Neither white Turkish maid nor Vlach,
Nor yet no damsel of slender Latin breed.
They that have seen the mountain Vila,
Say that the Vila, brother, may not compare with her.
Thus folk praise her, and no man sayeth aught against us.
Today we two pobratims
Have met together, both of us unwed,120
Unworthier men have made mock of us,
Less worshipful than we have wedded,
Yea, and have begotten offspring,
And we remain, brother, for a reproach!
We have a third pobratim,
The winged Relja of Pazar;
Beyond Raška, beyond the cold river.
From the first we have been true brethren.
Put on now thy finest apparel,
Take with thee gold also,130
And take a golden ring for the maiden;