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Now, left-hand side again—the two outermost statues:

13. Isaiah.  
  a. " I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne." vi. I.
  b. "Lo, this hath touched thy lips." vi. 7.
14. Jeremiah.
  a. The Burial of the Girdle. xiii. 4, 5.
  b. The Breaking of the Yoke, xxviii. 10.

Right-hand side:

15. Ezekiel.  
  a. Wheel within wheel. i. 16.
  b. "Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem." xxi. 2.
16 Daniel.
  a. "He hath shut the lions' mouths." vi. 22.
  b. "In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand." v. 5.

40. Now, beginning on the left-hand side (southern side) of the entire façade, and reading it straight across, not turning into the porches at all except for the paired quatrefoils:

17. Hosea.
  a. "So I bought her to me with fifteen pieces of silver." iii. 2.
  b. " So will I also be for thee." iii. 3.