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28. Malachi.
  a. "Ye have wounded the Lord." ii. 17
  b. This commandment is to you. ii. 1.

41. Having thus put the sequence of the statues and their quatrefoils briefly before the spectator-(in case the railway time presses, it may be a kindness to him to note that if he walks from the east end of the cathedral down the street to the south, Rue St. Denis, it takes him by the shortest line to the station)-I will begin again with St. Peter, and interpret the sculptures in the quatrefoils a little more fully. Keeping the fixed numerals for indication of the statues, St. Peter's quatrefoils will be 1 A and 1 B, and Malachi's 28 A and 28 B.

1. a. Courage, with a leopard on his shield; the French and English agreeing in the reading of that symbol, down to the time of the Black Prince's leopard coinage in Aquitaine.[1]
1. b. Cowradice, a man frightened at an animal darting out of a thicket, while a bird sings on. The coward has not the heart of a thrush.
  1. For a list of the photographs of the quatrefoils described in this chapter, see the appendices at the end of this volume.