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cut-off stem: "In those days shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself."

4, b. Discord, a wife and husband quarrelling. She has dropped her distaff (Amiens wool manufacture, see farther on—9, a.)
5, a. Obedience, bears shield with camel. Actually the most disobedient and ill-tempered of all serviceable beasts,—yet passing his life in the most painful service. I do not know how far his character was understood by the northern sculptor; but I believe he is taken as a type of burden-bearing, without joy or sympathy, such as the horse has, and without power of offence, such as the ox has. His bite is bad enough, (see Mr. Palgrave's account of him,) but presumably little known of at Amiens, even by Crusaders, who would always ride their own war-horses, or nothing.
5, b. Rebellion, a man snapping his fingers at his Bishop. (As Henry the Eighth at the Pope,—and the modern French and English cockney at all priests whatever.)
6, a. Perseverance, the grandest spiritual form of the virtue commonly called 'Fortitude.' Usually, overcoming or tearing a lion; here, caressing one, and holding her crown. "Hold