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8, a. Hope, with Gonfalon Standard and distant crown ; as opposed to the constant crown of Fortitude (6 a).

The Gonfalon (Gund, war, fahr, standard, according to Poitevin's dictionary), is the pointed ensign of forward battle; essentially sacred ; hence the constant name "Gonfaloniere" of the battle standard-bearers of the Italian republics.

Hope has it, because she fights forward always to her aim, or at least has the joy of seeing it draw nearer. Faith and Fortitude wait, as St. John in prison, but unoffended. Hope is, however, put under St. James, because of the 7th and 8th verses of his last chapter, ending "Stablish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." It is he who examines Dante on the nature of Hope. ' Par.,' c. xxv., and compare Gary's notes.

8, b. Depair, stabbing herself Suicide not thought heroic or sentimental in the 13th century; and no Gothic Morgue built beside Somme.
9, a. Charity, bearing shield with woolly ram, and giving a mantle to a naked beggar. The old wool manufacture of Amiens