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series, (twenty-five altogether,) will form a complete body of illustrations for the fourth chapter of the 'Bible of Amiens '; costing in all five guineas, forwarded free by post from Mr. Ward's (2, Church Terrace, Richmond, Surrey). In addition to these, Mr. Ward will supply the photograph of the four scenes from the life of St. Firmin, mentioned on page 8 of Chapter I.; price five shillings. For those who do not care to purchase the whole series, I have marked with an asterisk the plates which are especially desirable.

The two following lists will enable readers who possess the plates to refer without difficulty both from the photographs to the text, and from the text to the photographs, which will be found to fall into the following groups : —

1-3. The Central Pedestal.
4-7. The Central Porch.
  Virtues and Vices.
8-9. The Central Porch.
  The Major Prophets, with Micah and Nahum.
10-13. The Façade.
  The Minor Prophets.
14-17. The Northern Porch.
  The Months and Zodiacal Signs, with Zephaniah and Haggai.
18-21. The Southern Porch.
  Scriptural History, with Obadiah and Amos.
22-25. Miscellaneous.