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  • S.Jerome, childhood and early studies, 116. iii. 34-5.
  • ,,death of, at Bethlehem, 122. iii. 40.
  • ,,Hebrew, studied by, 120. iii. 38.
  • ,,not a mere hermit, 113-14. iii. 31.
  • ,,his lion, 135. iii. 53.
  • ,,Milman, Dean, on, 114-16. iii. 32 sq.
  • ,,protestant view of, 113-14. iii. 31.
  • ,,Queen Sophia's letter to Vota on, 127. iii. 47.
  • ,,scholarship, will not give up his, 119. iii. 36.
  • ,,style of writing shown, 127. iii. 47.
  • S. John, the apostle of love, 176. iv. 37.
  • ,,his greatness, 157 sq. iv. 16.
  • S. Louis, religion under, 35 n.
  • S. Mark's, Venice, Baptistery of and the virtues, 17411. iv. 36 n.
  • S. Martin, baptism and conversion of, 24.
  • ,,character of, gentle and cheerful, 28, 29.
  • ,,,,patient, 46. ii. 7.
  • ,,,,serene and sweet, 27.
  • ,,cloak, given to the beggar by, 332 a.d., 23.
  • ,,Clovis and, 32.
  • ,,Devil, answer to the, 24.
  • ,,drinks to a beggar, 29-31.
  • ,,fame of, universal (places called after), 29.
  • ,,history of, how relevant to this book, 3 1-2.
  • ,,'s Lane, London, 29.
  • ,,and Julian, 25.
  • ,,Tours, his abbey there, 32.
  • ,,,,and bishopric, 26, 31.
  • ,,vision of, 24.
  • ,,wine, the patron of, 28, 31.
  • S. Nicholas," "Journal de, 187 n. iv. 41.
  • S. Peter, Apostle of courage, 176. iv. 37.
  • S. Ouentin, 198. iv. 44.
  • S.'Remy crowns Clovis, 14.
  • ,,preaches to Clovis, 20.
  • ,,and the Soissons vase, 75. ii. 41.
  • S. Sauve, 155, 198. iv. 14, 44.
  • S. Simeon, 205. iv. 50.
  • S. Ulpha, 198, 200. iv. 44, 46.
  • S. Victoric, 198. iv. 44.
  • Salian, epithet of the French, 64-5. ii. 30-31.