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our souls, and by putting away the evil of our doings from before Thine eyes, Thou wilt enter into us, wilt record Thy name upon us, and wilt bless us, and wilt give unto us a new name—"the new, best name of Love."

0 Lord, we beseech Thee, open up before us all the qualities by which Thy divine name is distinguished, that we may adore and reverence Thee in all Thy manifestations. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


O LORD God our Saviour, who hast instructed us that men ought always to pray and not to faint; keep us, we beseech Thee, in a prayerful spirit, and enable us to approach Thee this morning with reverence and godly fear. Help us to show forth Thy loving-kindness, and to adore Thy high and holy name for the protection extended to us during the past night. We have opened our eyes to the light of another day; may we elevate our affections, so as to behold Thy love shadowed forth in the glorions orb of day; bebolding it as a natural symbol of Thy divine presence, and looking through it up unto Thee, that as the heat and light it emits cheers and animates, and enables us to perform our natural avocations, so may Thy light and heat, which is Thy love and wisdom, enter into our souls, and be as the Sun of righteousness arising within us, with healing in His wings.

Lord, we desire to adore Thee for the renowed opportunity of approaching Thee, and of reading Thy holy Word. May we with fervent gratitude admit its sanctifying influences into our inner man, and suffer its truth to fall upon our affections as the dew of Hermon, preparing them for the blessing of life for evermore. We confess, 0 Lord, that much of Thy Word of truth is dark and mysterious, and many are the passages that are hidden from our view; but we feel assured that this obscurity results from our own states, and will give way to clearer light, as we more faithfully perform Thy will. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


(JREAT Father of oternity | Thou art tho King of kings and Lord of

lords; Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Thy dominion that which shall not be destroyed. Thou reignest in all the Kingdoms of the world, and there is none thet oan say. What doest Thou?

'Thou hearest and answorest prayer, and we desire with gratitude to acknowledge Thoo as the merciful Saviour of the world, who hast deigned to call us Thy children, and permitted us to approach Theo ag our Father. Set up within our souls Thy kingdom, 0 Lord, and reign There as undiepted Sovereign; for Thou srt the source of moral and spiritual truth, and we can never perform Thy word, or be obedient to Thy commandments, only gs the wisdom of Thy directing providence is auifered to exercise entire control over ws.

© Lord, we earnestly supplicate Thee for power to subdue the tendency to evil and falsehood which lurks within; for in the gratification of the