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delights of evil consists the chief elements of the kingdom of self, and where self exists, there, we humbly confess, the kingdom of heayen can never have place.

© how grievously have we erred from the way of Thy commandments! How headstrong have we beon in the pursnit of evil! We have set aside Thy righteous commands, which we have considered grievoug, and have abused the liberty and freedom with which Thou hast endowed ua. Pardon ua, © Lord, we beseech Thee, and enable us to turn unto Thee, that we may walk in newness of life. Amen.

Onur Father, ete.


O LORD God of our salvation, our souls wait upon Thee this morning, from whom cometh our help. Thou art our rock, our fortress, and our Deliverer, and from Thee alone cometh our salvation. We pray Thee, assist us to acquire that spirit of obedience which shall lead to the establishment of Thy kingdom within us. Obedience is indeed better than sacrifice, and to hearken to the voice of the Lord than the fat of rams. By obedience our minds become prepared for the reception of Thy truth, and by Thy truth, united with goodness, Thy kingdom can alone be established in our souls.

As Thy children, O Lord, bring us into this state of obedience, and instruct us by thy Word that our state of ignorance may be reached, and that we may be withdrawn from darkness into light, and from the power of sin to the power of Thee the living God. Impress upon us the certain conviction that there is nothing which Thou canst order but that is grounded in perfect love; that the end Thou hast in view is our happiness; and in keeping Thy commandments "there is great reward."

Whichever way we turn our eyes, there is evidence that Thy kingdom is one of order and peace, and the kingdom of self is one of confusion and strife. While indulging in our vicious inclinations, many are the proofs we have had that "the way of the transgressors is hard." Help us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that we may repent, and do the first works; so iniquity shall not be our ruin. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


MERCIFUL and gracious Lord; Thou art a God of trath, and from Thee flow all the energics of wisdom; there is no knowk but that which ia derived from Thee, and he who lacketh wisdom, and asketh of Thee, will receive according to his need. We desire, this evening, again to offer our grateful thanks and praises for the blessings of this day, for the health and strength which has enabled us to accomplish our duties, and for tho preservation of our sanity, whereby wo have had ability to think and liberty to act according to onr judgment. All our blessings have their origin in Thy divine beneficence. But. O Lord our heavenly Father, though by Thy trath we have had our understandings opened, and though we see the necessity of obedience unto