Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/148

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when I awoke, I found her not. So where is she now?’ ‘O my lord Kemerezzeman,’ said the Vizier, ‘the name of God encompass thee! By Allah, we sent none to thee last night, but thou layest alone, with the door locked on thee and the eunuch sleeping before it, nor did there come to thee a young lady or any other. Stablish thy reason, O my lord, and return to thy senses and occupy thy mind no longer [with vain imaginations].’ ‘O Vizier,’ rejoined Kemerezzeman, incensed at his words, ‘the young lady in question is my beloved, the fair one with the black eyes and red cheeks, whom I held in my arms all last night.’ The Vizier wondered at his words and said to him, ‘Didst thou see this damsel with thine eyes and on wake, or in sleep?’ ‘O wretched old man,’ answered Kemerezzeman, ‘thinkest thou I saw her with my ears? Indeed, I saw her with my very eyes and on wake and touched her with my hand and watched by her half the night, gazing my fill on her beauty and grace and elegance and lovely looks. But thou hadst schooled her and charged her to speak no word to me; so she feigned sleep and I lay by her side till morning, when I awoke and found her gone.’ ‘O my lord Kemerezzeman,’ rejoined the Vizier, ‘surely thou sawest this in thy sleep; it must have been a delusion of dreams or a hallucination caused by eating various kinds of food or a suggestion of the accursed devils.’ ‘O pestilent old man,’ cried the prince, ‘wilt thou too make a mock of me and tell me this was an illusion of dreams, when this eunuch confessed to the young lady, saying, “I will return to thee forthwith and tell thee all about her?”’ So saying, he sprang up and laying hold of the Vizier’s long beard, twisted his hand in it and tugging him off the couch, threw him on the floor. It seemed to the Vizier as though his soul departed his body for the violent plucking at his beard, and Kemerezzeman fell to kicking him and pummelling his breast and sides and cuffing him on the nape, till he