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him three days and on the fourth he took leave of him, saying, ‘O my son, abide here till I bring thee the Khalif’s pardon and learn who hath played thee this trick.’ Then he took ship for Ayas, where he took the mule from the inn and returning to Baghdad, foregathered with Hassan Shouman, to whom said he, ‘Has the Khalif asked for me?’ ‘No,’ answered Hassan, ‘nor hath thou come to his thought.’ So he resumed his service about the Khalif’s person and set himself to seek news of Alaeddin’s case, till one day he heard the Khalif say to the Vizier, ‘See, O Jaafer, how Alaeddin dealt with me!’ ‘O Commander of the Faithful,’ replied Jaafer, ‘thou hast requited him with hanging, and it was what he deserved.’ Quoth Haroun, ‘I have a mind to go down and see him hanging.’ And the Vizier answered, ‘As thou wilt, O Commander of the Faithful.’ So the Khalif and Jaafer went down to the place of execution, and the former, raising his eyes, saw the hanged man to be other than Alaeddin and said to the Vizier, ‘This is not Alaeddin.’ ‘How knowest thou that it is not he?’ asked the Vizier, and the Khalif answered, ‘Alaeddin was short and this fellow is tall.’ Quoth Jaafer, ‘Hanging stretches a man.’ ‘But,’ rejoined the Khalif, ‘Alaeddin was fair and this man’s face is black.’ ‘Knowest thou not, O Commander of the Faithful,’ replied Jaafer, ‘that death (by hanging) causes blackness?’ Then the Khalif bade take down the body and they found the names of the first two Khalifs, Abou Bekr and Omar, written on his heels; whereupon quoth the Khalif, ‘O Vizier, Alaeddin was a Sunnite, and this fellow is a Shiyäite.’[1] ‘Glory be to God who knowest the hidden things!’ answered Jaafer. ‘We know not whether this

  1. Or sectary of Ali. The Shiyäites did not acknowledge the first three Khalifs Abou Bekr, Omar, and Othman, and were wont to write their names upon their heels, in token of contempt. The Sunnites are the orthodox Muslims, who accept the actual order of things.