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was he or another.’ Then the Khalif bade bury the body and Alaeddin became altogether forgotten.

As for Hebezlem Bezazeh, the Amir Khalid’s son, he ceased not to languish for passion and desire, till he died and they buried him; whilst Jessamine accomplished the months of her pregnancy and being taken with the pains of labour, gave birth to a male child like the moon. The serving-women said to her, ‘What wilt thou name him?’ And she answered, ‘Were his father alive, he had named him; but now I will name him Aslan.’ She gave him suck two years, then weaned him, and he crawled and walked. One day, whilst his mother was busied with the service of the kitchen, the child went out and seeing the stairs, mounted to the guest-chamber,[1] where the Amir Khalid was sitting. When the latter saw him, he took him in his lap and glorified his Lord for that which He had created and fashioned forth; then eyeing him straitly, he saw that he was the likest of all creatures to Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat; and God informed his heart with love of the boy. Presently, his mother Jessamine sought for him and finding him not, mounted to the guest-chamber, where she saw the Amir seated, with the child playing in his lap. The latter, spying his mother, would have thrown himself upon her: but the Amir held him back and said to Jessamine, ‘Come hither, O damsel.’ So she came to him, and he said to her, ‘Whose son is this?’ Quoth she, ‘He is my son and the darling of my heart.’ ‘Who is his father?’ asked the Amir; and she answered, ‘His father was Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat, but now he is become thy son.’ Quoth Khalid, ‘Alaeddin was a traitor.’ ‘God deliver him from treason!’ replied she. ‘God forbid that the Faithful should be a traitor!’ Then said he, ‘When the boy grows up and says to thee, “Who is my father?” say thou to him, “Thou

  1. An open-fronted reception-room, generally on the first floor and giving on the interior court of the house.