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a fourth face of the jewel, on which was figured a table of food, and said, ‘By the virtue of the names of God, let the table be spread!’ And immediately there appeared before them a table, spread with all manner rich meats, and they ate and drank and made merry.

Meanwhile, the King’s son went in to waken his father, but found him slain and seeing the scroll, took it and read. Then he sought his sister and finding her not, betook himself to the old woman in the church, of whom he enquired of her, but she said, ‘I have not seen her since yesterday.’ So he returned to the troops and cried out, saying, ‘To horse, cavaliers!’ Then he told them what had happened, and they mounted and rode after the fugitives, till they drew near the pavilion. Presently, Husn Meryem looked up and saw a cloud of dust, which spread till it covered the prospect, then lifted and discovered her brother and his troops, crying aloud and saying, ‘Whither will ye fly, and we on your track!’ Then said she to Alaeddin, ‘Art thou steadfast in battle?’ ‘Even as the stake in bran,’ answered he; ‘I know not war nor battle, neither swords nor spears.’ So she pulled out the jewel and rubbed the fifth face, that on which were depictured a horse and his rider, and straightway a horseman appear out of the desert and driving at the pursuing host, ceased not to do battle with them and smite them with the sword, till he routed them and put them to flight. Then said the princess to Alaeddin, ‘Wilt thou go to Cairo or to Alexandria?’ And he answered, ‘To Alexandria.’ So they mounted the couch and she pronounced over it the conjuration, whereupon it set off with them and brought them to Alexandria in the twinkling of an eye. They alighted without the city and Alaeddin hid the women in a cavern, whilst he went into Alexandria and fetched them veils and outer clothing, wherewith he covered them. Then he carried them to his shop and leaving them in the room behind it,