Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/370

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drunkenness led me to seat myself in the basket, whereupon the people of the house pulled me up, supposing me to be he whom they expected. When I came to the top of the wall, I found four damsels, who said to me, “Descend and welcome!” Then one of them went before me with a flambeau and brought me down into a mansion, wherein were furnished sitting-chambers, whose like I had never seen, save in the Khalif’s palace. So I sat down and after awhile, the curtains were drawn from one side of the room and in came damsels bearing lighted flambeaux and censers full of Sumatran aloes-wood, and amongst them a young lady as she were the rising full moon. I rose and she said, “Welcome to thee for a visitor!” Then she made me sit down again and asked how I came thither. Quoth I, “I was returning home from a friend’s house and went astray in the dark; then, being taken with an urgent occasion, I turned aside into this street, where I found a basket let down. The wine which I had drunk led me to seat myself in it and it was drawn up with me into this house.” “No harm shall befall thee,” rejoined she, “and I hope thou wilt have cause to praise the issue of thine adventure. But what is thy condition?” “I am a merchant in the Baghdad bazaar,” replied I, and she, “Canst thou repeat any verses?” “Some small matter,” answered I. “Then,” said she, “let us hear some of them.” But I said, “A visitor is [naturally] bashful; do thou begin.” “True,” answered she and recited some of the choicest verses of the poets, past and present, so that I knew not whether more to marvel at her beauty and grace or at the charm of her diction. Then said she, “Is thy bashfulness gone?” “Yes, by Allah!” answered I. “Then, if thou wilt,” rejoined she, “recite us somewhat.” So I repeated to her a number of poems by old writers, and she applauded, saying, “By Allah I did not look to find such culture among the trader folk!”