Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/371

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Then she called for food and fell to taking of it and setting it before me; Night cclxxx.and the place was full of all manner sweet-scented flowers and rare fruits, such as are found only in kings’ houses. Presently, she called for wine and drank a cup, after which she filled another and gave it to me, saying, “Now is the time for converse and story-telling.” So I bethought myself and related to her a number of pleasing stories and anecdotes, with which she was delighted and said, “It is wonderful that a merchant should have such store of tales like unto these, for they are fit for kings.” Quoth I, “I have a neighbour who uses to consort with kings and bear them company at table; so, when he is at leisure, I visit his house and he often tells me what he has heard.” “By my life,” exclaimed she, “thou hast a good memory!”

We continued to converse thus, and as often as I was silent, she would begin, till the most part of the night was spent, whilst the burning aloes-wood diffused its fragrance and I was in such case as, if the Khalif had suspected it, would have made him wild with longing for it. Then said she to me, “Verily, thou art one of the most pleasant and accomplished of men and passing well-bred; but there lacks one thing.” “What is that?” asked I, and she said, “If but thou knewest how to sing verses to the lute!” I answered, “I was once passionately fond of this art, but finding I had no gift for it, I abandoned it, though reluctantly. Indeed, I should love to sing somewhat well at this present and fulfil my night’s enjoyment.” “Meseemeth thou hintest a wish for the lute to be brought?” said she, and I, “It is thine to decide, if thou wilt so far favour me, and to thee be the thanks.” So she called for a lute and sang a song, in a manner whose like I never heard, both for sweetness of voice and perfection of style and skill in playing, in short, for general excellence. Then said she, “Knowest thou who made the air and words of this song?