Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/92

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of the giant, set out again and fared on over mountains and sandy deserts for ten days, at the end of which time he saw, in the distance, a cloud of dust hanging like a canopy in the air and making towards it, came presently to a great valley, two months’ journey in length, where he heard a mighty clamour of cries and clash of arms and tramp of horse. As he drew near, he saw a multitude of horsemen engaged in sore battle and the blood running from them like a river. Their voices were like thunder and they were armed with bows and javelins and swords and spears and maces of iron and fought with the utmost fury.

Night ccccxcii.At this sight, he was sore affrighted and knew not what to do; but, as he hesitated, they caught sight of him and held their hands from one another and left fighting. Then a troop of them came up to him, wondering at his make, and said to him, “What art thou and how camest thou hither?” Quoth he, “I am of the sons of Adam and am come out, distraught for the love of Mohammed, whom God bless and preserve; but I have wandered from my road.” They marvelled at his speech and said, “Never saw we a son of Adam till now, nor did any ever come to this land.” “But what are ye, O creatures?” asked Beloukiya. “We are of the Jinn,” answered they; and he said, “What is the cause of the fighting amongst you and where is your abiding-place and what is the name of this valley and this land?” “Our abiding-place is the White Country,” replied they. “This place is called the land of Sheddad, son of Aad, and every year God the Most High commandeth us to come hither and wage war upon the unbelieving Jinn.” “And where is the White Country?” asked Beloukiya. “It is distant five-and-seventy years’ journey behind the mountain Caf,” answered they, “and we have no other business, when we are not doing battle with the unbelieving Jinn, than to magnify God and hallow Him. Moreover,