Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 5.djvu/93

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we have a king called Sekher, and needs must thou go with us to him, that he may divert himself with thy sight.”

Then they took him and fared on with him, till they came to their abiding-place, where he saw a multitude of tents of green silk, none knoweth their number save God the Most High, and in their midst a pavilion of red satin, a thousand cubits in compass, with cords of blue silk and pickets of gold and silver. This was the royal pavilion; so they made their way thither and carried Beloukiya into the presence of King Sekher, whom he found seated upon a throne of red gold, set with pearls and jewels, with the kings and princes of the Jinn on his right hand and on his left his councillors and Amirs and officers of state. So he went up to him and kissing the earth before him, saluted him. The King returned his salute and commanding a chair to be set for him beside himself, bade him sit down and asked him who he was and how he came thither; whereupon Beloukiya related to him all that had befallen him in his wanderings Night ccccxciii.and he marvelled thereat. Then he called for food and the servants spread the tables and set on fifteen hundred platters of gold and silver and brass, some containing twenty and some fifty boiled camels, and other some fifty head of sheep; at which Beloukiya marvelled exceedingly. Then they ate and he ate with them, till he was satisfied, and returned thanks to God the Most High; after which they cleared the tables and set on fruits, and they ate thereof, glorifying God and invoking blessings on His prophet Mohammed.

When Beloukiya heard them make mention of Mohammed, he wondered and said to King Sekher, “I have a mind to ask thee some questions.” “Ask what thou wilt,” rejoined the King, and Beloukiya said, “O King, what are ye and what is your origin and how come ye to know and love Mohammed, whom God bless and preserve?”