Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/54

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warbling in various voices and bewildering the hearers with delight.

The youth was ravished at all he saw and sat down in the doorway by the gardener, who said to him, ‘How deemest thou of my garden?’ Quoth Ibrahim, ‘It is the Paradise of the world.’ Whereat the gardener laughed and rising, was absent awhile and presently returned with a tray, full of fowls and quails and sweetmeats of sugar and other dainties, which he set before Ibrahim, saying, ‘Eat thy fill.’ So he ate till he had enough, whereat the keeper rejoiced and said, ‘By Allah, this is the fashion of kings and kings’ sons!’ Then said he, ‘O Ibrahim, what hast thou in yonder bag?’ So he opened it before him and the keeper said, ‘Take it with thee; it will serve thee when the lady Jemileh cometh; for, when once she is come, I shall not be able to bring thee food.’

Then he rose and taking the youth by the hand, brought him to a place over against the pavilion, where he made him a bower among the trees and said to him, ‘Get thee up here, and when she comes, thou wilt see her and she will not see thee. When she sings, drink thou to her singing, and when she departs, God willing, thou shalt return in safety whence thou camest. This is the best I can do for thee and on God be our dependence!’ Ibrahim thanked him and would have kissed his hand, but he forbade him. Then he laid the bag in the bower and the keeper said to him, ‘O Ibrahim, walk about and take thy pleasure in the garden and eat of its fruits, for thy mistress’s coming is appointed for to-morrow.’ So he took his pleasure in the garden and ate of its fruits; after which he passed the night with the keeper.

When the morning arose and gave forth its light and shone, he prayed the morning-prayer and presently the keeper came to him with a pale face, and said to him, ‘Rise, O my son, and go up into the bower; for the slave-