Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/182

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with salt and pepper. Split crackers, soak in cold milk to moisten, and reheat in chowder.

Lobster Chowder

2 lb. lobster
3 tablespoons butter
2 common crackers, finely pounded
4 cups milk
1 slice onion
1 cup cold water
Paprika or cayenne

Remove meat from lobster shell and cut in small dice. Cream two tablespoons butter, add liver of lobster (green part) and crackers; scald milk with onion, remove onion, and add milk to mixture. Cook body bones ten minutes in cold water to cover, strain, and add to mixture with lobster dice. Season with salt and paprika.

German Chowder

3 lb. haddock
1 quart cold water
2 slices carrot
Bit of bay leaf
Sprig of parsley
1 cracker, pounded
Salt, pepper, cayenne
2 tablespoons melted butter
Few drops onion juice
1 beaten egg
1 quart potatoes cut in 3/4-inch cubes
2-inch cube fat salt pork
1 sliced onion
5 tablespoons flour
1 quart scalded milk
1/4 cup butter
8 common crackers

Clean, skin, and bone fish. Add to bones cold water and vegetables, and let simmer twenty minutes. Strain stock from bones. Chop fish meat; there should be one and one-half cups. Add cracker, seasonings, melted butter and egg, then shape in small balls. Try out pork, add onion, and cook five minutes. Strain, and add to fat, potatoes, balls, and fish stock, and cook until potatoes are soft. Thicken milk with butter and flour cooked together. Combine mixtures, and season highly with salt, pepper, and cayenne. Add crackers, split and soaked in cold milk.