Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/183

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Crisp Crackers

Split common crackers and spread thinly with butter, allowing one-fourth teaspoon butter to each half cracker; put in pan and bake until delicately browned.

Souffléd Crackers

Split common crackers, and soak in ice water, to cover, eight minutes. Dot over with butter, and bake in a hot oven until puffed and browned.

Crackers with Cheese

Arrange zephyrettes or saltines in pan. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake until cheese is melted.

Croûtons (Duchess Crusts)

Cut stale bread in one-third inch slices and remove crusts. Spread thinly with butter. Cut slices in one-third inch cubes, put in pan and bake until delicately brown, or fry in deep fat.

Cheese Sticks

Cut bread sticks in halves lengthwise, spread thinly with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese seasoned with salt and cayenne, and bake until delicately browned.

Imperial Sticks in Rings

Cut stale bread in one-third inch slices, remove crusts, spread thinly with butter, and cut slices in one-third inch strips and rings; put in pan and bake until delicately browned. Arrange three sticks in each ring.