Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/19

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Duck, stuffed and trussed for roasting 256

Stuffed Egg Plant 257

Purée of Spinach 257

Stuffed Peppers 308

Macedoine of Vegetables à la Poulette 308

O'Brion Potatoes 309

Potato Croquettes ready for frying 316

Potato Nests and Potatoes, Somerset Style 316

Cucumber Salad 317

Cucumber Baskets 317

Asparagus Salad, Individual Service 330

Berkshire Salad in Boxes 330

Egg Salad 331

Pear Salad 331

Lobster Salad III 342

Mexican Jelly 342

Oyster Crabs à la Newburg, Individual Service 343

Sweetbread Ramequins 343

Russian Cutlets 374

Dresden Patties 374

Devilled Crabs 375

Pan Broiled Lamb Chops à la Lucullus 375

Chaud-froid of Eggs 386

Capon in Aspic 386

Harvard Pudding served with Crushed Berries and
Whipped Cream 387

Snowballs garnished with Strawberries 387

Royal Diplomatic Pudding 422

Toasted Marshmallows 422

Charlotte Russe 423

Orange Trifle garnished with Whipped Cream, Candied
Orange Peel, and Blossoms 423

Coup Sicilienne 442

Coup à l'Ananas 442

Coffee Ice Cream served in half of Cantaloupe 442