Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/20

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Vanilla Ice Cream served in half of Cantaloupe with
Fruit Garnish 442

Junket Ice Cream with Peaches 443

Bombe Glacée 443

Utensils and Materials for the making of Puff Paste 460

Calvé Tarts 460

English Meat Pie 461

Patties garnished with Pastry Rings and Parsley 461

Cheese Straws 474

Cocoanut Tea Cakes 474

Lemon Tartlets 475

Fruit Baskets 475

Rich Cookies 488

Royal Fans 488

Chocolate Cakes and Crescents 489

Meringues 489

Marguerites I 494

English Rolled Wafers I-II 494

Mocha Cakes and Small Éclairs 495

Ice Cream Cake with Nut Caramel Frosting 495

Cake frosted for St. Valentine's Day for the use of
Mocha Frosting 532

Ornamental Frosted Cake 532

Dipped Walnuts 533

Bonbons 533

Cream Mints 548

Candied Orange Peel 548

Noisette Sandwiches 549

Bread and Butter Folds 549

Lobster Canapé 554

Canapé Martha 554

Jelly Bag and other necessary utensils for jelly making 555

Marmalades, Jams, and Jellies 555

Utensils necessary for canning 576

Canned Fruits 576