Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/385

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Cream Mayonnaise Dressing

To Mayonnaise Dressing I or II add one-third cup thick cream, beaten until stiff. This recipe should be used only when dressing is to be eaten the day it is made.

Green Mayonnaise

Color Mayonnaise Dressing 1 with juices expressed from parsley and watercress, using one-half as much parsley as watercress. To obtain coloring, break greens in pieces, pound in a mortar until thoroughly macerated, then squeeze through cheese-cloth. Lobster coral, rubbed through a fine sieve, added to Mayonnaise, makes Red Mayonnaise.

Potato Mayonnaise

Very small baked potato
1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon powdered sugar
2 tablespoons vinegar
3/4 cup olive oil

Remove and mash the inside of potato. Add mustard, salt, and powdered sugar; add one tablespoon vinegar, and rub mixture through a fine sieve. Add slowly oil and remaining vinegar. By the taste one would hardly realize eggs were not used in the making.


Dressed Lettuce

Prepare lettuce as directed on page 294. Serve with French Dressing.

Lettuce and Cucumber Salad

Place a chapon in bottom of salad bowl. Wash, drain, and dry one head lettuce, arrange in bowl, and place between leaves one cucumber cut in thin slices. Serve with French Dressing.

Lettuce and Radish Salad

Prepare and arrange as for Dressed Lettuce. Place between leaves six radishes which have been washed, scraped, and cut in thin slices. Garnish with round radishes cut