Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/386

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to represent tulips. See page 299. Serve with French Dressing.

Lettuce and Tomato Salad

Peel and chill three tomatoes. Cut in halves crosswise, arrange each half on a lettuce leaf. Garnish with Mayonnaise Dressing forced through a pastry bag and tube. If tomatoes are small, cut in quarters, and allow one tomato to each lettuce leaf.

Dressed Watercress

Wash, remove roots, drain, and chill watercress. Arrange in salad dish, and serve with French Dressing.

Cucumber Salad

Remove thick slices from both ends of a cucumber, cut off a thick paring, and with a sharp pointed knife cut five parallel grooves lengthwise of cucumber at equal distances; then cut in thin parallel slices crosswise, keeping cucumber in its original shape. Arrange on lettuce leaves, and pour over Parisian French Dressing. Serve with fish course.

Watercress and Cucumber Salad

Prepare watercress and add one cucumber, pared, chilled, and cut in one-half inch dice. Serve with French Dressing.

Cucumber and Tomato Salad

Arrange sliced tomatoes on a bed of lettuce leaves. Pile on each slice, cucumber cubes cut one-half inch square. Serve with French or Mayonnaise Dressing.

Cucumber Cups with Lettuce

Pare cucumbers, cut in quarters crosswise, remove centres from pieces, arrange on lettuce leaves, and fill cups with Sauce Tartare (see p. 277).

Cucumber Baskets

Select three long, regular-shaped cucumbers; cut a piece from both the stem and blossom end of each; then cut in halves crosswise. Cut two pieces from each section, leaving remaining piece in shape of basket with handle. Remove