Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/387

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pulp and seeds, in sufficiently large pieces to cut in cubes for refilling one-half the baskets, the remaining half being filled with pieces of tomatoes. Arrange baskets on lettuce leaves, alternating the fillings, and pour over French Dressing.

Dressed Celery

Wash, scrape, and cut stalks of celery in thin slices. Mix with Cream Dressing I.

Celery and Cabbage Salad

Remove outside leaves from a small solid white cabbage, and cut off stalk close to leaves. Cut out centre, and with a sharp knife shred finely. Let stand one hour in cold or ice water. Drain, wring in double cheese-cloth, to make as dry as possible. Mix with equal parts celery cut in small pieces. Moisten with Cream Dressing and refill cabbage. Arrange on a folded napkin and garnish with celery tips and parsley between folds of napkin and around top of cabbage.

Asparagus Salad

Drain and rinse stalks of canned asparagus. Cut rings from a bright red pepper one-third inch wide. Place three or four stalks in each ring. Arrange on lettuce leaves and serve with French Dressing, to which has been added one-half tablespoon tomato catsup.

Corn Salad

Drain one can corn and season with mustard and onion juice. Marinate with French Dressing, let stand one hour, then drain. Arrange on a bed of lettuce or chiccory.

String Bean Salad

Marinate two cups cold string beans with French Dressing. Add one teaspoon finely cut chives. Pile in centre of salad dish and arrange around base thin slices of radishes overlapping one another. Garnish top with radish cut to represent a tulip.

Potato Salad I

Cut cold boiled potatoes in one-half inch cubes. Sprinkle four cupfuls with one-half tablespoon salt and one-fourth