Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/391

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chopped red peppers, and one-half tablespoon chopped chives. Pour over Cream Dressing I (see p. 324) and serve in nests of lettuce leaves.

Letuce Salad

Wash one head romaine and cut in pieces, using scissors. Mix two cups cold riced potatoes, one-half pound white mushroom caps peeled and cut in eighths, and one pound Brazil nut meats (from which skins have been removed) cut in pieces. Moisten with French Dressing, made by allowing one-third tarragon vinegar to two-thirds olive oil. Arrange on salad dish, surround with romaine, and garnish with three peeled mushroom caps and six Brazil nut meats.

Macédoine Salad

Marinate separately cold cooked cauliflower, peas, and carrots cut in small cubes, and outer stalks of celery finely cut. Arrange peas and carrots in alternate piles in centre of a salad dish. Pile cauliflower on top. Arrange celery in four piles at equal distances. At top of each pile place a small gherkin cut lengthwise in very thin slices, beginning at blossom end and cutting nearly to stem end. Open slices to represent a fan. Place between piles of celery a slice of tomato.

Almost any cold cooked vegetables on hand may be used for a Macédoine Salad, and if care is taken in arrangement, they make a very attractive dish.

Russian Salad

Mix one cup each cold cooked carrot cubes and potato cubes, one cup cold cooked peas, and one cup cold cooked beans, and marinate with French Dressing. Arrange on lettuce leaves in four sections, and cover each section with Mayonnaise Dressing. Garnish two sections with small pieces of smoked salmon, one section with finely chopped whites of "hard boiled" eggs, and one section with yolks of "hard-boiled" eggs forced through a strainer. Put small sprigs of parsley or shrimps in lines dividing sections.