Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/392

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Tomatoes Stuffed with Pineapple

Peel medium-sized tomatoes. Remove thin slice from top of each, and take out seeds and some of pulp. Sprinkle inside with salt, invert, and let stand one-half hour. Fill tomatoes with fresh pineapple cut in small cubes or shredded, and nut meats, using two-thirds pineapple and one-third nut meats. Mix with Mayonnaise Dressing, garnish with Mayonnaise, halves of nut meats, and slices cut from tops cut square. Serve on a bed of lettuce leaves.

Stuffed Tomato Salad I

Peel medium-sized tomatoes. Remove thin slice from top of each and take out seeds and some of pulp. Sprinkle inside with salt, invert, and let stand one-half hour. Fill tomatoes with cucumbers cut in small cubes and mixed with Mayonnaise Dressing. Arrange on lettuce leaves, and garnish top of each with Mayonnaise Dressing forced through a pastry-bag and tube.

Stuffed Tomato Salad II

Prepare tomatoes same as for Tomatoes Stuffed with Pineapple. Refill with finely cut celery and apple, using equal parts. Serve with Mayonnaise, and garnish with shredded lettuce.

Stuffed Tomato Salad (German Style)

Prepare tomatoes same as Tomatoes Stuffed with Pineapple. Shred finely one-half a cabbage. Let stand two hours in salted water, allowing two tablespoons salt to one quart water. Cook slowly thirty minutes one-half cup each cold water and vinegar, with a bit of bay leaf, one-half teaspoon peppercorns, one-fourth teaspoon mustard seed, and six cloves. Strain, and pour over cabbage drained from salt water. Let stand two hours, again drain, and refill tomatoes.

Tomato and Horseradish Salad

Peel and chill tomatoes, cut in halves crosswise, arrange on lettuce leaves, and garnish with Horseradish Sauce I.