Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/394

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vinegar, and one-half teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce; then add slowly, while stirring constantly, one-half cup olive oil.

Tomato and Cheese Salad

Peel six medium-sized tomatoes, chill, and scoop out a small quantity of pulp from the centre of each. Fill cavities, using equal parts of Roquefort and Neufchâtel cheese worked together and moistened with French Dressing. Arrange on lettuce leaves and serve with French Dressing.

Tomato Jelly Salad

To one can stewed and strained tomatoes add one teaspoon each of salt and powdered sugar, and two-thirds box gelatine which has soaked fifteen minutes in one-half cup cold water. Pour into small cups, and chill. Run a knife around inside of moulds, so that when taken out shapes may have a rough surface, suggesting a fresh tomato. Place on lettuce leaves and garnish top of each with Mayonnaise Dressing.

Frozen Tomato Salad

Open one quart can tomatoes, turn from can, and let stand one hour that they may be re-oxygenated. Add three tablespoons sugar, and season highly with salt and cayenne; then rub through a sieve. Turn into one-half pound breakfast-cocoa boxes, cover tightly, pack in salt and ice, using equal parts, and let stand three hours. Remove from mould, arrange on lettuce leaves, and serve with Mayonnaise Dressing.

Salad à la Russe

Peel six tomatoes, remove thin slices from top of each, and take out seeds and pulp. Sprinkle inside with salt, invert, and let stand one-half hour. Place seeds and pulp removed from tomatoes in a strainer to drain. Mix one-third cup cucumbers cut in dice, one-third cup cold cooked peas, one-fourth cup pickles finely chopped, one-third cup tomato pulp, and two tablespoons capers. Season with salt, pepper, and vinegar. Put in a cheese-cloth and squeeze; then add one-half cup cold cooked chicken cut in very small