Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/395

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dice. Mix with Mayonnaise Dressing, refill tomatoes, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, and place each on a lettuce leaf.

Spinach Salad

Pick over, wash, and cook one-half peck spinach. Drain, and chop finely. Season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, and add one tablespoon melted butter. Butter slightly small tin moulds and pack solidly with mixture. Chill, remove from moulds, and arrange on thin slices of cold boiled tongue cut in circular pieces. Garnish base of each with a wreath of parsley, and serve on top of each Sauce Tartare.

Moulded Russian Salad

Reduce strong consommé so that when cold it will be jelly-like in consistency. Set individual moulds in pan of ice-water, pour in consommé one-fourth inch deep; when firm, decorate bottom and sides of moulds with cold cooked carrots, beets and potatoes cut in fancy shapes. Add consommé to cover vegetables, and as soon as firm fill moulds two-thirds full of any cooked vegetable that may be at hand. Add consommé by spoonfuls, allowing it to become firm between the additions, and put in enough to cover vegetables. Chill thoroughly, remove from moulds, and arrange on lettuce leaves. Serve with Mayonnaise Dressing.

Mexican Jelly

Peel four large cucumbers and cut in thin slices. Put in saucepan with one cup cold water, bring to boiling-point, and cook slowly until soft; then force through a purée strainer. Add two and one-half tablespoons granulated gelatine dissolved in three-fourths cup boiling water, few drops onion juice, one tablespoon vinegar, few grains cayenne, and salt and pepper to taste. Color with leaf green, strain through cheese-cloth, and mould same as Fruit Chartreuse (see p. 423). After removing small mould fill space with Tomato Mayonnaise. Garnish sides of mould with thin slices of cucumber shaped with a small round fluted cutter, and on the centre of each slice place a circular piece of truffle. Garnish around base of mould with small tomatoes peeled, chilled, and cut in halves crosswise. On each slice of tomato