Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/396

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place a circular fluted slice of cucumber, and over all a circular piece of truffle. Serve with

Tomato Mayonnaise. Color mayonnaise red with tomato purée.

Egg Salad I

Cut six "hard-boiled" eggs in halves crosswise, keeping whites in pairs. Remove yolks, and mash or put through a potato ricer. Add slowly enough Oil Dressing II to moisten. Make into balls the size of original yolks and refill whites. Arrange on a bed of lettuce, and pour Oil Dressing No. II around eggs.

Egg Salad II

Cut four "hard-boiled" eggs in halves crosswise in such a way that tops of halves may be cut in small points. Remove yolks, mash, and add an equal amount of finely chopped cooked chicken. Moisten with Oil Dressing I, shape in balls size of original yolks, and refill whites. Arrange on lettuce leaves, garnish with radishes cut in fancy shapes, and serve with Oil Dressing I.

Lenten Salad

Separate yolks and whites of four "hard-boiled" eggs. Chop whites finely, marinate with French Dressing, and arrange on lettuce leaves. Force yolks through a potato ricer and pile on the centre of whites. Serve with French Dressing.

Crackers and Cheese

Mash a cream cheese, season, and shape in balls, then flatten balls, and serve on butter-thin crackers.

Note. Cream cheese is very acceptable served with zephyrettes or butter-thins and Bar le Duc currants.

Cottage Cheese I

Heat one quart sour milk to 100° F., and turn into a strainer lined with cheese-cloth. Pour over one quart hot water, and as soon as water has drained through, pour over another quart; then repeat. Gather cheese-cloth around curd to form a bag and let hang until curd is free from