Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/405

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and mix with an equal quantity of finely cut celery. Season with salt, pepper, and vinegar, and moisten with Mayonnaise Dressing. Refill tail, body, and under half of large claw shells. Mix liver and coral, rub through a sieve, add one tablespoon Mayonnaise Dressing and a few drops anchovy essence with enough more Mayonnaise Dressing to cover lobster already in shell. Arrange on a bed of lettuce leaves.

Fish Salad with Cucumbers

Season one and one-half cups cold cooked flaked halibut, haddock, or cod, with salt, cayenne, and lemon juice. Cover, and let stand one hour. To Cream Dressing II (see p. 324) add one-third tablespoon granulated gelatine soaked in one and one-half tablespoons cold water. As soon as dressing begins to thicken, add one-half cup heavy cream beaten until stiff, then fold in the fish. Turn into individual moulds, chill, remove from moulds, arrange on lettuce leaves, garnish each with a thin slice of cucumber, and serve with

Cucumber Sauce. Pare two cucumbers, chop, drain off most of liquor, and season with salt, pepper, and vinegar.

Crab and Tomato Salad

Remove meat from hard-shelled crabs; there should be one cup. Add two-thirds cup celery, cut in small pieces, and six small tomatoes peeled, chilled, and cut in quarters. Moisten with Mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves, and garnish with Mayonnaise, curled celery, and small pieces of tomato.

Scallop and Tomato Salad

Clean one pint scallops, parboil, and drain. Add juice of one lemon, cover, and let stand one hour. Drain, dry between towels, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in flour, egg, and stale bread crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Cool, cut in halves, marinate with dressing, and serve garnished with sliced tomatoes and watercress.

Dressing. Mix one teaspoon finely chopped shallot, three-fourths teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon paprika, two tablespoons lemon juice, and four tablespoons olive oil.