Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/406

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Salmon à la Martin, Ravigôte Mayonnaise

Drain one can salmon, rinse, dry, and separate in flakes. Moisten with Ravigôte Mayonnaise, arrange on a bed of lettuce, mask with mayonnaise, and garnish with canned pimentoes cut in triangles, and truffles cut in fancy shapes.

Ravigôte Mayonnaise. Mix two tablespoons cooked spinach, one tablespoon capers, one-half shallot finely chopped, three anchovies, one-third cup parsley, and one-half cup watercress. Pound in mortar until thoroughly macerated, then force through a very fine strainer. Add to one-half the recipe for Mayonnaise Dressing I (see p. 326).

Oyster and Grape Fruit Salad

Parboil one and one-half pints oysters, drain, cool, and remove tough muscles. Cut three grape fruits in halves crosswise, remove pulp, and drain. Mix oysters with pulp, and season with six tablespoons tomato catsup, four tablespoons grape fruit juice, one tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce, eight drops Tabasco sauce, and one-half teaspoon salt. Refill grape fruit skins with mixture, and garnish with curled celery.

Chicken Salad I

Cut cold boiled fowl or remnants of roast chicken in one-half inch cubes, and marinate with French Dressing. Add an equal quantity of celery, washed, scraped, cut in small pieces, chilled in cold or ice-water, drained, and dried in a towel. Just before serving moisten with Cream, Oil, or Mayonnaise Dressing. Mound on a salad dish, and garnish with yolks of "hard-boiled" eggs forced through a potato ricer, capers, and celery tips.

Chicken Salad II

Cut cold boiled fowl or remnants of roast chicken in one-half inch dice. To two cups add one and one-half cups celery cut in small pieces, and moisten with Cream Dressing II. Mound on a salad dish, cover with dressing, and garnish with capers, thin slices cut from small pickles, and curled celery.