Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/407

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Individual Chicken Salads in Aspic

Cover bottom of individual moulds set in ice-water with aspic jelly mixture. When jelly is firm decorate with yolks and whites of "hard-boiled" eggs cooked as for Harlequin Slices (see p. 147) and truffles cut in fancy shapes, or pistachio nuts blanched and cut in halves. Cover decorations with aspic mixture, being careful not to disarrange the designs. Finely chop cold cooked fowl (preferably breast-*meat), moisten with Mayonnaise to which is added a small quantity of dissolved granulated gelatine, shape in balls, put a ball in each mould, and add gradually aspic mixture to fill moulds. Chill thoroughly, remove to lettuce leaves, and arrange around a dish of Mayonnaise Dressing.

Swiss Salad

Mix one cup cold cooked chicken cut in cubes, one cucumber pared and cut in cubes, one cup chopped English walnut meats, and one cup French peas. Marinate with French Dressing, arrange on serving dish, and garnish with Mayonnaise Dressing.

Nile Salad

Cut cold boiled or roasted chicken in cubes (there should be one and one-half cups). Put one-half cup English walnut meats in pan, sprinkle sparingly with salt, and add three-fourths tablespoon butter. Cook in a slow oven until browned and thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally; remove from oven and break in pieces.

Mix chicken and nuts and marinate with French Dressing. Add three-fourths cup celery cut in small pieces. Arrange on a bed of lettuce, and mask with Ravigôte Mayonnaise (see p. 344).

Berkshire Salad in Boxes

Marinate one cup cold boiled fowl cut into dice and one cup cooked French chestnuts broken in pieces with French Dressing. Add one grated red pepper from which seeds have been removed, one cup celery cut into small pieces, and Mayonnaise to moisten. Trim crackers (four inches