Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/428

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Mushrooms, to which has been added a few chopped truffles. Cover with Force-meat, and bake same as Lobster Timbales Serve with Béchamel or Yellow Béchamel Sauce.

Chicken Timbales II

2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup stale bread crumbs
2/3 cup milk
1 cup chopped cooked chicken
1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 eggs

Melt butter, add bread crumbs and milk, and cook five minutes, stirring constantly. Add chicken, parsley, and eggs slightly beaten. Season with salt and pepper. Turn into buttered individual moulds, having moulds two-thirds full set in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake twenty minutes. Serve with Béchamel Sauce.

Chicken Timbales III

Soak one-half tablespoon granulated gelatine in one and one-half tablespoons cold water, and dissolve in three-fourths cup chicken stock. Add one cup chopped cooked chicken, and stir until the mixture begins to thicken, then add one cup cream beaten until thick. Add one tablespoon Sherry wine and a few grains cayenne. Mould, chill, and serve on lettuce leaves.

Ham Timbales

Make and bake same as Chicken Timbales II, using chopped cooked ham in place of chicken. Serve with Béchamel Sauce.

Sweetbread and Mushroom Timbales

Cook two tablespoons butter with one sliced onion five minutes. Add one and one-half cups mushroom caps finely chopped, and one small parboiled sweetbread, finely chopped; then add one cup White Sauce II, one-fourth cup stale bread crumbs, one red pepper chopped, one-half teaspoon salt, yolks two eggs, well beaten, and whites two eggs, beaten until stiff. Fill buttered timbale moulds, set in pan of hot