Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/429

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water, cover with buttered paper, and bake fifteen minutes. Remove to serving dish and pour around

Mushroom Sauce. Clean five large mushroom caps, cut in halves crosswise, then in slices. Sauté in three tablespoons butter five minutes; dredge with two tablespoons flour, add one-third cup cream and one cup chicken stock, and cook two minutes. Season with salt and paprika, and add one chopped truffle.

Sweetbread Mousse

Parboil a sweetbread ten minutes, chop, and rub through sieve; there should be one-half cup. Mix with one-third cup breast meat of a raw chicken, and rub through sieve. Pound in mortar, add gradually white of one egg, and work until smooth, then add three-fourths cup heavy cream. Line buttered timbale moulds with mixture, fill centres, cover with mixture, place in a pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper and bake until firm. Remove to serving dish, and pour around sauce.

Filling. Melt one tablespoon butter, add one tablespoon corn-starch, and pour on gradually one-fourth cup White Stock; then add one-third cup parboiled sweetbread cut in cubes, one tablespoon Sherry wine, and salt and pepper to taste.

Sauce. Melt three tablespoons butter, add three tablespoons flour, and pour on one cup rich chicken stock and one-half cup heavy cream. Season with one tablespoon Sherry wine, one-fourth teaspoon beef extract, and salt and pepper to taste.

Suprême of Chicken

Breast and second joints of uncooked chicken weighing 4 lbs.
4 eggs
1-1/3 cups thick cream
Salt and pepper

Force chicken through a meat chopper, or chop very finely. Beat eggs separately, add one at a time, stirring until mixture is smooth. Add cream, and season with salt and pepper. Turn into slightly buttered Dario moulds, and bake same as Lobster Timbales, allowing thirty minutes for baking. Serve with Suprême or Béchamel Sauce.