Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/449

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one-half tablespoon granulated gelatine dissolved in three tablespoons White Stock. Add another one-half cup heavy cream and season with salt, cayenne, and horseradish powder. Pour jelly into small moulds one-third inch deep, using lemon Sauterne, or aspic. When firm, fill moulds with veal mixture and set aside to chill. Remove from moulds and serve on lettuce leaves.

Chaud-froid of Eggs

Cut six "hard-boiled" eggs in halves lengthwise and remove yolks. Mix one-third cup cold cooked chicken finely chopped, two tablespoons cold cooked ham finely chopped, two tablespoons chopped raw mushroom caps, one-half tablespoon chopped truffles, and yolks of four of the eggs rubbed through a sieve. Moisten with Spanish Sauce and refill whites with mixture. Mask eggs with Spanish Sauce, garnish with truffles, cut in fancy shapes, and brush over with aspic. Arrange on serving dish and garnish with cress.

Spanish Sauce. Cook one and one-half cups canned tomatoes fifteen minutes with one-fourth onion, sprig of parsley, bit of bay leaf, six cloves, one-third teaspoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon paprika, and a few grains cayenne; then rub through a sieve. Beat yolks three eggs slightly, and add, gradually, three tablespoons olive oil. Combine mixtures and cook over hot water, stirring constantly. Add one tablespoon granulated gelatine soaked in three-fourths tablespoon each tarragon vinegar and cold water. Strain, and cool.

Jellied Vegetables

Soak one tablespoon granulated gelatine in one-fourth cup cold water, and dissolve in one cup boiling water; then add one-fourth cup, each, sugar and vinegar, two tablespoons lemon juice, and one teaspoon salt. Strain, cool, and when beginning to stiffen, add one cup celery cut in small pieces, one-half cup finely shredded cabbage, and one and one-half canned pimentoes cut in small pieces. Turn into a mould and chill. Remove from mould and arrange around jelly thin slices of cold cooked meat overlapping one another. Garnish with celery tips.