Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/450

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Mayonnaise of Mackerel

Clean two medium-sized mackerel, put in baking-dish with one-third cup each water, cider vinegar, and tarragon vinegar, twelve cloves, one teaspoon each peppercorns and salt, and a bit of bay leaf. Cover with buttered paper and cook in a moderate oven. Arrange on serving dish, remove skin, cool, and mask with Mayonnaise thickened with gelatine. Let stand until thoroughly chilled, and garnish with sliced cucumbers, lemon baskets filled with Mayonnaise sprinkled with finely chopped parsley, and sprigs of parsley.

Chaud-froid of Chicken

2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 cup White Stock
Yolk one egg
2 tablespoons cream
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Salt and pepper
3/4 teaspoon granulated gelatine dissolved in one tablespoon hot water
Aspic jelly
6 pieces cooked chicken, shaped in form of cutlets

Make a sauce of butter, flour, and stock; add egg yolk diluted with cream, lemon juice, salt and pepper; then add dissolved gelatine. Dip chicken in sauce which has been allowed to cool. When chicken has cooled, garnish upper side with truffles cut in shapes. Brush over with aspic jelly mixture, and chill. Arrange a bed of lettuce; in centre pile cold cooked asparagus tips or celery cut in small pieces, marinated with French Dressing, and place chicken at base of salad.

Moulded Salmon, Cucumber Sauce

1 can salmon
1/2 tablespoon salt
1-1/2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon mustard
Few grains cayenne
Yolks 2 eggs
1-1/2 tablespoons melted butter
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup vinegar
3/4 tablespoon granulated gelatine
2 tablespoons cold water

Remove salmon from can, rinse thoroughly with hot water, and separate in flakes. Mix dry ingredients, add egg yolks, butter, milk, and vinegar. Cook over boiling water, stirring