Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/477

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Irish Moss Blanc-Mange

1/3 cup Irish moss
4 cups milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla

Soak moss fifteen minutes in cold water to cover, drain, pick over, and add to milk; cook in double boiler thirty minutes; the milk will seem but little thicker than when put on to cook, but if cooked longer blanc-mange will be too stiff. Add salt, strain, flavor, re-strain, and fill individual moulds previously dipped in cold water; chill, turn on glass dish, surround with thin slices of banana, and place a slice on each mould. Serve with sugar and cream.

Chocolate Blanc-Mange

Irish Moss Blanc-Mange flavored with chocolate. Melt one and one-half squares Baker's chocolate, add one-fourth cup sugar and one-third cup boiling water, stir until perfectly smooth, adding to milk just before taking from fire. Serve with sugar and cream.

Rebecca Pudding

4 cups scalded milk
1/2 cup corn-starch
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup cold milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Whites 3 eggs

Mix corn-starch, sugar, and salt, dilute with cold milk, add to scalded milk, stirring constantly until mixture thickens, afterwards occasionally; cook fifteen minutes. Add flavoring and whites of eggs beaten stiff, mix thoroughly, mould, chill, and serve with Yellow Sauce I or II.