Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/499

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  • ries and angelica, proceed as for Fruit Chartreuse, filling the

centre with Charlotte Russe mixture or Fruit Cream.

Fruit Cream

Peel four bananas, mash, and rub through a sieve; add pulp and juice of two oranges, one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon Sherry wine, two-thirds cup powdered sugar, and one and one-fourth tablespoons granulated gelatine dissolved in one-fourth cup boiling water. Cool in ice-water, stirring constantly, and fold in whip from two cups cream.

Ivory Cream

3/4 tablespoon granulated gelatine
1 tablespoon cold water
2 tablespoons boiling water
3 cups cream
4 tablespoons powdered sugar
3 tablespoons Madeira wine

Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, and add sugar and wine. Strain into a bowl, set in pan of ice-water, and beat until mixture thickens slightly. Add to mixture whip from cream, and beat until mixture is thick enough to hold its shape. Mould and chill. Garnish with Sauterne Jelly.

Pudding à l'Adrea

2 cups thin cream
1-1/2 tablespoons granulated gelatine
2 tablespoons cold water
3/4 cup sugar
Whites 4 eggs
3 tablespoons Sherry
1-1/2 tablespoons Sauterne
Sauterne jelly mixture

Make one-half recipe for Sauterne Jelly (see p. 420), allowing one and one-third tablespoons granulated gelatine. Color one-half green and one-half red. Fill sections of a fancy mould alternately with green and red jelly. In the green jelly mould pistachio nuts cut in quarters; in red jelly glacéd cherries cut in quarters.

Scald cream, add gelatine soaked in cold water, then add whites of eggs beaten until stiff; add sugar. Remove from range, set in pan of ice-water, and stir occasionally until mixture thickens; then add flavoring and turn into mould. Chill thoroughly and remove from mould.