Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/500

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French Easter Cream

1/3 cup raisins
1/4 cup brandy
2 cups cream
1/2 cup sugar
Yolks 3 eggs
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon granulated gelatine
2 tablespoons cold water
Maraschino }
Slow gin } 1/4 cup each
Brandy }
1 teaspoon vanilla

Seed raisins, add brandy, and cook in double boiler until raisins are soft. Make a custard of cream, sugar, egg yolks and salt. Remove from range, add gelatine soaked in cold water. Strain, cool slightly, add flavorings, stir until mixture thickens, then add raisins. Mould and chill. Remove from mould, and garnish with Sauterne Jelly (colored violet), cut in cubes, and fresh violets.

Marshmallow Pudding à la Stanley

1/2 pound marshmallows
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup candied cherries
1/2 cup English walnut meats
2 tablespoons powdered sugar

Soak cherries in rum to cover one hour, then cut in pieces. Cut walnut meats and marshmallows in small pieces. Whip cream, add sugar and vanilla, fold in remaining ingredients. Mould and chill.