Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/501

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Ices and other frozen dishes comprise the most popular desserts. Hygienically speaking, they cannot be recommended for the final course of a dinner, as cold mixtures reduce the temperature of the stomach, thus retarding digestion until the normal temperature is again reached. But how cooling, refreshing, and nourishing, when properly taken, and of what inestimable value in the sick room!

Frozen dishes include:—

Water ice,—fruit juice sweetened, diluted with water, and frozen.

Sherbet,—water ice to which is added a small quantity of dissolved gelatine or beaten whites of eggs.

Frappé,—water ice frozen to consistency of mush; in freezing, equal parts of salt and ice being used to make it granular.

Punch,—water ice to which is added spirit and spice.

Sorbet,—strictly speaking, frozen punch; the name is often given to a water ice where several kinds of fruit are used.

Philadelphia Ice Cream,—thin cream, sweetened, flavored, and frozen.

Plain Ice Cream,—custard foundation, thin cream, and flavoring.

Mousse,—heavy cream, beaten until stiff, sweetened, flavored, placed in a mould, packed in salt and ice (using two parts crushed ice to one part salt), and allowed to stand three hours; or whip from thin cream may be used folded into mixture containing small quantity of gelatine.