Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/516

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Brown Bread Ice Cream

3 pints cream
1-1/4 cups dried brown bread crumbs
7/8 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt

Soak crumbs in one quart cream, let stand fifteen minutes, rub through sieve, add sugar, salt, and remaining cream; then freeze.

Bisque Ice Cream

Make custard as for Vanilla Ice Cream II, add one quart cream, one tablespoon vanilla, and one cup hickory nut or English walnut meats finely chopped.

Burnt Walnut Bisque

2 cups scalded milk
Yolks 3 eggs
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup chopped walnut meats
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 tablespoon vanilla
Few grains salt

Make custard of milk, eggs, one-third of the sugar, and salt. Caramelize remaining sugar, add nut meats, and turn into a slightly buttered pan. Cool, pound, and pass through a purée strainer. Add to custard, cool, then add one cup heavy cream, beaten until stiff, and vanilla. Freeze and mould.

Praline Ice Cream

3 pints cream
1-1/3 cups sugar
1 cup Jordan almonds
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla

Blanch almonds cut in pieces crosswise, and bake in a shallow pan until well browned, shaking pan frequently; then finely chop. Caramelize one-half of the sugar, and add slowly to two cups of the cream scalded. As soon as sugar is melted, add nuts, remaining sugar, and salt. Cool, add remaining cream, and freeze. A few grains salt is always an improvement to any ice cream mixture.