Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/517

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Macaroon Ice Cream

1 quart cream
1 cup macaroons
3/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla

Dry, pound, and measure macaroons; add to cream, sugar, and vanilla, then freeze.

Banana Ice Cream

1 quart cream
4 bananas
1-1/3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup sugar
A few grains salt

Remove skins and scrape bananas, then force through a sieve; add remaining ingredients; then freeze.

Ginger Ice Cream

To recipe for Vanilla Ice Cream II, using one-half quantity vanilla, add one-half cup Canton ginger cut in small pieces, three tablespoons ginger syrup, and two tablespoons Sherry wine; then freeze.

Pistachio Ice Cream

Prepare same as Vanilla Ice Cream II, using for flavoring one tablespoon vanilla and one teaspoon almond extract; color with Burnett's Leaf Green.

Pistachio Bisque

To Pistachio Ice Cream add one-half cup each of pounded macaroons, chopped almonds, and peanuts. Mould, and serve with or without Claret Sauce.

Fig Ice Cream

3 cups milk
1 cup sugar
Yolks 5 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1 lb. figs, finely chopped
1-1/2 cups heavy cream
Whites 5 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla
2 tablespoons brandy

Make custard of yolks of eggs, sugar, and milk; strain, add figs, cool, and flavor. Add whites of eggs beaten until stiff and heavy cream beaten until stiff; freeze and mould.